Saturday, April 29, 2006
Five Essentials of the Gospel
Piper’s message was so timely. It was like he was speaking directly to me, while I was surrounded in a hotel ballroom by 3000 other pastors from around the globe.
One portion of his message that helped me particularly was John’s five essentials of the Gospel message. Piper’s essentials included:
1. The Gospel is a message about historical EVENTS—the life, death and resurrection of Jesus (See 1 Corinthians 15:3).
a.) Propitiation: having God's wrath removed and never again held against us.
b.) Justification: complete righteousness before God.
c.) Redemption: freedom from the power of sin
d.) Sanctification: holy and pure standing before God
For these reasons, and so many others, I am truly glad I drove to Louisville last Wednesday morning. It was an awesome experience.
Posted by
Pastor Ryan
3:16 PM
Good News From Friday
First at Baptist Montclair, my assistant, Tammy Lasagna learned from her doctor this morning that the breast biopsy revealed no problems or concerns. Tammy and Bob were both relieved. Thank you for praying for her. We prayed a prayer of thanksgiving.
My next visit took me to an entirely different scene at Brookwood hospital. There I found Vaughn and Ambre Harris, along with Debbie Burdette(Ambre's mom), her boys, Vaughn’s parents, pastor Randy and his wife, and just about everybody else in the world, celebrating with them the arrival of their second son, Gavin Randall. I held him in my arms. He is a beautiful baby, just like his parents.
Posted by
Pastor Ryan
11:32 AM
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Spread the Word!!
Keep the faith!
Posted by
Pastor Ryan
9:07 AM
Speaking of Healing
Keep the faith!
Posted by
Pastor Ryan
9:07 AM
Please Pray for My Assistant
Tammy is a tremendous asset to me, and as a result she is a tremendous asset to CrossPoint. I trust you will agree with me in prayer for her to be healed.
Keep the faith!
Posted by
Pastor Ryan
9:06 AM
Together for the Gospel
Speaking of around the world, there are several pastors from Autralia, one from Bolivia, and another from India. I would estimate half of the crowd is less than 45 years of age, which is encouraging.
I am here with my friend, Buddy Gray. If for no other reason, I am glad I came to fellowship with Buddy and several of his men from Hunter Street.
Keep the faith!
Posted by
Pastor Ryan
9:04 AM
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Welcome to My Blog on the Blogosphere
1. Blogging creates a network.
2. Blogging can get you a job.
3. Blogging is great training.
4. Blogging helps you move up quickly.
5. Blogging makes self-employment easier.
6. Blogging provides more opportunities.
7. Blogging could be your big break.
8. Blogging makes the world a better place.
My more personal favorites are #'s 1 & 8. I want to create a network where CrossPointers develop their skills in seeking JUST ONE MORE. I also want our blog page to make the world a better place.Hang in there with me. I am just beginning to learn some of the tools of the trade when it comes to blogging. You can assist me by giving me your feedback.
Posted by
Pastor Ryan
9:24 AM
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Welcome to!!!
Well the day has come!! The blog is up and running. has been started to accomplish three things:
- Lead - Whether you became a Christ-follower at a young age or in your later years, you would agree that the reality that Jesus died for us is the most important news anyone could hear, and guess what? It's our responsibility as Christ-followers to share that news. We have been commissoned by Jesus Christ to go into Argo (as well as Trussville, Springville, Clay, and Pinson) and Alabama and the U.S and the uttermost parts of the Earth. The intention of this blog is to lead you to perform this duty in relevant, creative ways.
- Equip - Have you ever shown up at the golf course with no clubs, paid the green fee, got a cart, and went to the first tee box? If so, I would wager that you didn't do so hot. If you're going fishing but don't have rod and reel...well, you get the picture. In order to successfully share Christ, you gotta be euipped. This blog is also intended to give you creative ideas on how to approach people, how to recognize an opportunity to share Christ's love, and how to be able to discern the spiritual status of the one to whom you are witnessing.
- Inspire - Lou Holtz. Vince Lombardi. Billy Graham. Zig Ziglar. When these guys speak, people listen. Whether it was a small football squad or a staduim filled with tens of thousands of people, these guys have a keen way of captivating, inspiring, and motivating their audiences. Inspiration plays a role in successfully achieving goals. Sharing Christ with a non-believer should be a major goal in our life. Remember, it's also our responsibility. will hopefully inspire you to share Christ with anyone that comes across your path.
Please check back daily for posts and be sure to tell everyone about!!
Posted by
Pastor Ryan
7:48 PM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
The sub-print on the card read:
Easter Sunday is right around the corner.
Have you made plans yet?
Space is limited.
Make your reservations today.
Read the above phrases one more time. Only this time read them through the eyes of the New Testament. The restaurant’s invitation sounds more like an evangelistic appeal than it does a request for a busy afternoon meal.
Sometimes the world does a better job of advertising than the church. Perhaps if the church treated their customers (the pre-Christians) with more care we would see people waiting in line to join us for worship.
Posted by
Pastor Ryan
9:28 PM
Monday, April 17, 2006
5 Days
Posted by
Pastor Ryan
9:00 PM
Saturday, April 15, 2006
One More Week!
Posted by
Pastor Ryan
10:50 PM