Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wow, What a Resurrection Day!

I am particularly pleased with the way our plan for Easter held up Sunday morning. The 7:00 AM worship celebration, I believe, made the difference in our traffic flow and crowding issues. I commend the 165 CrossPointers who made the effort to worship that early. Thank you for going the second mile so that JUST ONE MORE could have a seat in the other worship celebrations.

While I am commending CrossPointers, let me add a few other groups that deserve accolades.

Ten thousand thank “yous” to the Parking Ministry. You did a great job guys laying out the parking plan for the morning. I was particularly impressed that no one drove away from our campus because there was not adequate space to park.

I believe Bryan and our Worship & Media Ministry deserve kudos for a great day of worship. These people arrived on campus at 6:00 AM to prepare for an incredible day of worship. Kudos to Joy Capps for leading us in Worthy is the Lamb. I want to thank the praise band likewise for being available throughout all four worship celebrations. Concluding worship with Everlasting God wrapped up a worshipful day.

Finally, and most importantly, we must give praise and thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ. If it were not for His bodily resurrection from the grave we would have nothing to celebrate.

And, for those who requested it, the following is my response to Larry King if he ever invited me to his television show and asked me if as a Jew I thought he would die and go to Hell if he did not repent of His sin and believe in Jesus to save him. (It should be noted that I adapted portions of this answer from John Piper and my longtime friend Dr. Ron Ethridge, who is pastor of Woodward Avenue Baptist Church in Muscle Shoals, Alabama):

Yes, Larry, I believe that if you or anyone else does not repent of their sin and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, then they will go to Hell when they die.

Allow me to explain a few other things I believe as well:

I believe in the glorious deity of Jesus Christ.
I believe in the universe-making, miracle working power of Jesus Christ.
I believe in the humble, sinless, virgin-born humanity of Jesus Christ.
I believe in the covenant-keeping, law-fulfilling, righteousness-performing, perfection-providing obedience of Jesus Christ.
I believe in the wrath-bearing, justice-satisfying, sin-atoning death of Jesus Christ.
I believe in the death-defeating, devil-destroying, heaven-opening resurrection of Jesus.
I believe in the sovereign, interceding, ever present, never leaving us alone, triumphant reign of Jesus at the right hand of the Father.

I believe Jesus Christ is the King of kings… the Lord of lords… and Host of hosts.
I believe He is the Bright and Morning Star.
I believe He is the First & the Last… the Beginning & End… the A to Z...the Alpha & Omega.

I believe Jesus is the Sovereign Ruler of the universe. By His power everything exists. By His word life is given & taken away.
I believe Jesus gives the sun its light & He hung the stars and planets in the heavens.
I believe it is by Jesus that birds sing… the wind blows… the ocean roars… and the flowers bloom.

Because of Jesus widows rejoice… orphans sing… the barren are glad… the poor are rich… the blind see… the deaf hear… and the dead live.

I believe Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life… the Great I AM… the Bread of Life… & Living Water.

Because of Jesus there is no fear of death, disease, or enemies.

In Him there is strength for the weak… hope for the hopeless… and courage for the

One day Jesus Christ will come back in power & glory. When He does return the sky will split and the heavens will part and He will return with a conquering sword.

When He returns He will return as a King… Master… Sovereign… Ruler… as ALMIGHTY GOD!

And on that day, every knee will bow—your knee and mine—and every tongue will
confess—your tongue and mine—that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Do you believe in Jesus?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know preachers love to preach a sermon almost every time they are given the chance, but wouldn't it be better in the case of Larry King to simply answer his question with, "Yes"? After all he asked a close ended question. He did not ask an open ended question which would solicit a detailed account of the salvation story. The answer to King's question is "YES". Now the ball is in his court to ask why.
King didn't ask what you believe about Jesus, he asked about what he did or did not believe about Jesus. He asked if he was going to Hell if he did not confess his sins to Christ, believe that Christ was the true and only living son of God and the only way for him to get to heaven. The answer is YES!!
Now you can have a conversation. All the preacher did by answering the question the way he did was to avoid a conversation.
Just my thoughs about how to answer Larry King.