Bragging About My Baby Girl

For the fathers who do not have a daughter, you do not know what kind of blessing you are missing. Yes, beauty pageants cost a lot of time and money, but when your daughter graces the stage with her presence it is worth all the effort and expense that goes into it.
There are three specific reasons as to why I am so proud of my baby girl. First, I am proud she finished first runner up as the 9th grade beauty. Second, I am proud of her witness for Christ. Kelsey, along with several other CrossPoint girls expressed their commitment to Christ when they were introduced. Third, I am proud of Kelsey because she is so inwardly beautiful, and that is what makes her so outwardly attractive.
Kelsey gets her inward beauty from her mother. Vonda has done an incredible job instilling in Kelsey the inner confidence she needs to be secure in Christ. At age 14 Kelsey already realizes her true identity and worth are found entirely in Christ. My daughter is secure in herself, because she is so secure in Christ.
While discussing Kelsey’s inward beauty the other night I said to Vonda, “There is a young man out there that is going to marry my duaghter some day. And when he does, he will be the most fortunate man alive, because my girl is just that special.”
Thank you for letting me brag about my girl. She is special.
I would be thoughtless if I did not commend Casey Wooten, Anna Smith (Miss Photogenic) and Haley Bryan (9th Grade Beauty Queen) for their beauty and witness last weekend also. These girls represented CrossPoint and Christ in a beautiful manner. Congratulations girls!
Congratulations to all the girls! I wanted to comment on how nice it was to see these young girls in beautiful dresses that were trendy, yet still modest and fitting for their age. So many times in these pageants, parents feel they have to dress their daughters very provocatively in order to win the attention of the judges. This just shows that your beauty can show without showing everything else!
You and Vonda both have the right to be proud of Kelsey. She is a truly beautiful girl on the inside as well as the outside. We have a lot of beautiful girls at CrossPoint and we are very proud of all of them. I agree with Hope about the way they are dressed too.
You should be proud of the young lady she is becoming. I don't know her very well but I also think the girls are dressed very appropriately for their ages. Be proud! It's your right as a DAD! Gay
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