Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Give Thanks for Your Thorns

I receive hundreds of emails each week from CrossPointers and guests sharing their stories. You would be amazed at the things I am privileged to read. There are so many stories of struggle and success, victory and defeat. Each week I am challenged by what I read.

Just before Thanksgiving I received the following email from a CrossPoint mother of a special needs child. Wow, I think you will be amazed at the depth of her words.

Read the following carefully and prayerfully:

Hi Ryan, how are you? I just wanted to share some things that the Lord has been teaching me here lately and this story was such a good synopsis of it.

When I was younger, I remember people saying that when you were unhappy with how God created you, you were basically telling God that He had made a mistake. In a recent Sunday School lesson we were talking about how we deal with it when our dreams aren't God's dreams for us. I realized that to tell God that I am unhappy with my life is to tell God he made a mistake with my life. Suddenly I became so thankful for so many things. Matthew is one of the most precious, patient and unconditionally loving person I have ever known. I wouldn't want my life not to have him in it. Mike is a man who wants to be what God wants him to be. He, too, has a very different life than the one he thought he would have. I am so grateful for him. Jeremy is my mission of hope. He has improved so much over the last year and I see the love of God in each of his smiles. CrossPoint has become our family. We moved to Alabama to be closer to family (blood relations) and have discovered that our true family is right here in this fellowship. We are so thankful for the acceptance of our family, the honesty of our friends in our Sunday School classes. When James says to "count it all joy" the message is that if you fight against the "thorns" than you miss God's blessings. God is the closest to you in the hard times. My life is full and abundant. How can I not want God's dream for me? Thank you so much for teaching us straight from the word. May God continue to bless you.

Pamela K. Miller RN, BSN
Sedation Coordinator
Pediatric Imaging

Wow, give thanks for your thorns.

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