Saturday, June 10, 2006

Can I get a Witness??

I am having a blast with my blog. However, I am starting to wonder if anyone is visiting my page. I would like to know if you are reading my daily thoughts. If so, leave me your comments. Moreover, I am interested in the subjects you would like for me to address in the future.


Anonymous said...

Good morning..I do read your blog and it has been uplifting and enlightening. I have grown by reading far as ideas go, let God give them to you...this too can be a God may not think what you write isn't reaching people...but it can and has.

Anonymous said...

One thought just hit me...maybe a counter on your site so you can see that people are visiting...

Brent said...

I read your blod every week day. It gives me a lift and allows me a chance to refocus my priorities during my busy day. My suggestion would be to let your posts be spontaneous. Don't worry if it hasn't been carefully planned or researched. If you come across something or think of something that you want to share, then post it. I enjoy your posts and appreciate you taking the time to post to it every day.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog every day and I want you to know that you are my hero! Please keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I read it almost everyday. I would like to see more personal type items so I would know better how to pray for you. You have teenagers, I know you need prayer. Maybe you could add a few things that we could pray for you personally instead of in general as our pastor. Gay Jones

Anonymous said...

I check in about once a week and catch it all up! A counter would be a good idea, I did notice in the earlier posts few if any comments..some folks are kinda shy I guess.

WOW is a perfect word for what's going on and I am so grateful to be a part of it! I tell everyone how on fire our church is and only God can do that! I can hardly wait from week to week!


Anonymous said...

I'll be a witness to the fact that this blog rocks!!!

Anonymous said...

I read all of your entries! In fact, tonight I am copying and pasting some good quotes...preach on brother!!

Anonymous said...

I go to this site everyday and read what you have written. My mother has started visiting the site also. Very inspiring and motivating. Keep them coming!!

Anonymous said...

Ryan, Wanted to assure you that your blog is being read and appreciated. Not only by me, but by friends I have shared with as well. Pls don't let the lack of responses temper your postings! Cheryl Collins

Anonymous said...

Check it every day my brother. Keep it up. How about some little known BIBLE facts.

(Others may be more informed than I)

I was reading where Peter was forced to watch his own wife die before being put to his own death.
I did not know that about his wife.

Anonymous said...

This new background is more fun than the last "paw paw" backround you had. We just wanted you to know that you're the best preachy we've ever had! We love reading your blog each night with our mommy.
Get after it,
Stone and Sadie

Anonymous said...

Dude... people response & evaluations are not the reason we do what we do... nor should it be the basis for what you do (Including the blog). Keep it up.

I did like the OTHER background. This one is harder to read for me.

Anonymous said...

This background is AWESOME. The other one looked like it it came from the 1990's bargain bin. Keep it up!!

Anonymous said...

I disagree, anonymous...This blog SHOULD be for people. That is what ministry is all about -- seeing people respond to the awesome hope found in Jesus. The title of this blog is referring to people -- just one more(person). Thats what it's about!! This blog is not about Ryan and it's evident in his posts. He is continually pointing people towards Christ!!

Oh, and the background is cutting edge--right where I hope CrossPoint is headed.

Anonymous said...

This blog ROCKS!
CrossPoint ROCKS!
Can't wait to see you sunday!

Anonymous said...

:raises hand:

Anonymous said...

Like has already been stated, just keep on keeping on. I like coming here during my workday to get a little inspiration.

Also, don't be too focused on numbers. Since CrossPoint is all about "just one more", consider your blog as "just one more tool" to reach others for the kingdom of God.

Matt Young

Anonymous said...

It is really a shame that you must ask if people are reading your blog. Is this for your own personal gain, or is it to truly reach "Just One More" for Christ? Be careful, as pride and boastful attitudes can be a true stumbling block in your ministry.

It is my prayer that God will humble you and you will truly become a servant for His people.

Anonymous said...

Love reading your post. Keep the daily thoughts coming. Your thoughts touch people everyday!

Anonymous said...

A Word to ALL Critics

If you're going to open your mouth to criticize, fear God. Ask Him if you should speak.

Before you say anything, read the entire Bible to see if your criticism has merit with the whole counsel of scripture. Dont just take one obscure passage and base your criticism on that. Cults start that way.

Before you criticize your church, join your church.

Before you speak or blog or email, volunteer with JOY in some area of ministry.

Before you criticize, tithe.

Before you say anything, work full time at a small church.

Before you say anything, work full time at a large church.

Anonymous said...

Lets lay off the criticism and take Ryans charge to action. If you have been offended or have ill or hurt feelings, got to that person. If you think Ryan is prideful and in need of humility and if you think he's not a servant, then its obvious that you dont know Ryan. If you do, you probably have a hard time dealing with authority.

Anonymous said...

I read in a previous post, "It is my prayer that God will humble you and you will truly become a servant for His people."

My guess is that I've known Pastor Ryan longer than anyone at CrossPoint (20 years plus). I've watched, seen, & observed him in more situations than just church. I've listened to his heart, I've observed his heart for people, and more importantly his passion for the kingdom.

So for a person to write such an arrogant pseudo-spiritual comment as quoted above is a farce and should be taken about as seriously as Aruba threatening the USA with a trade embargo!

Unfortunately, forums like this are open to nuts and fruits as much as anyone else.

Pastor Ryan's desire is clear and has stood the test of time. He wants God to be glorified and people to be reached for the kingdom. Which is exactly what seems to be happening at CrossPoint!

Therefore I'm confident that he will continue to do two things: One... He will seek and honr God. Second... He will love and encourage people. My prayer is that he'll let that person's negativity effect him about as much as "W" would worry about Aruba's preseident threatening the USA.

MrsC said...

The most amazing thing about a blog is that it is open to the World. Anyone in the world can comment, read, reflect on our pastor's words and our church's happenings. Just think if the apostles had had a blog. They could have reached out to people in all areas during all hours and through all means. Blogs are about discourse. If this promotes discourse, positive or negative, then it provides an opportunity to DEFINE and DEFEND our faith. The main thing about commenting is that you need to be willing to sign your comments and willing to follow up with your thoughts. I hope we all feel compelled to keep one another accountable and lift each other up in this forum.