Some Alarming Data about Abortion
I am confident more than a few people who attend CrossPoint each weekend have had or have been associated with someone who has had an abortion. Thus, it should be noted that before you read this blog, I want you to know that ABORTION IS NOT THE UNPARDONABLE SIN. Anyone who has had an abortion or who has been associated with an abortion can be forgiven of that sin. And that is why I am so glad CrossPoint is a WHOSOEVER church. CrossPoint preaches and teaches the gospel truth that Jesus paid the price and absorbed God’s wrath for every sin of the sinner who acknowledges Jesus is Lord when they repent and place their full faith in Him.
Now back to my subject.
Like so many of you, I am appalled by abortion. Abortion is terrible. It is a horrible practice. We should be convulsed by the mere thought of it, and even more shaken by the practice of it.
My approach to abortion goes beyond protesting it, however. I have never been one to carry a sign during a public protest. I believe if we are going to be pro-life, then we should think of all of human life—not only birth, but also life after birth and even through death. By the way, I think the abortion movement has done much to help the euthanasia movement—something else that I am against. Now, that’s another topic for another day.
While thinking about abortion again today, someone did me a huge favor and sent me this enewsletter by Thomas Euteneuer from Human Life International. After reading his remarks I knew this was right for my blog.
If you are like me, you will be shocked and saddened by what you read. I think it is fitting to post this blog as we center on the birth of a baby in the next few days.
How Many Heisman Winners Has Abortion Killed?
The sports world recently greeted the news that this year's Heisman Trophy Winner, Tim Tebow from the University of Florida, was almost a casualty of abortion. Twenty-some years ago he was not the strapping 6'3", 235 lb. beloved sports hero that he is today. At that time he was a one-inch-long unborn child whose existence, because of an amoebic infection, was defined as threat to his mother's health. Pam Tebow, his mother, was told by a doctor that it would be in her best interests to abort this baby, and she refused. Her husband backed her up on that generous decision, and seven months later they gave birth to a perfectly healthy boy. Little did they know that twenty years later they would be standing on a national stage with a Heisman Trophy winner giving that magnificent witness to life. The world thanks you, Mr. and Mrs. Tebow! There cannot be a more touching Advent story than this. I wonder if anyone has ever asked how many potential Heisman Trophy winners abortion has actually killed. The answer is, twelve. Reflect on that a bit as you read further because there is a larger lesson in the Tebows' witness. Dr. Brian Clowes, HLI researcher, has examined the data from the 2007 Statistical Abstract of the United States (most recent census data) and extrapolated the numbers of the various professions and categories of Americans who have been eliminated in the wake of nearly 49 million legalized abortions, one third of all Americans conceived since 1973. The following numbers are based on the actual government estimates of the professions represented in America. So then, who have we lost to abortion?
2 US Presidents 7 Supreme Court Justices 102 US Senators and 589 Congressmen 8,123 Federal, district and local court judges 31 Nobel Prize laureates 328 Olympic medalists including 123 Gold medalists 6,092 professional athletes 134,841 physicians and surgeons 392,500 registered nurses 70,669 priests, ministers, rabbis and imams including 6,852 priests and 11,010 nuns (vocations "shortage"?) 1,102,443 teachers (K-12) 553,821 truck drivers 224,518 maids and housekeepers 336,939 janitors 134,028 farmers and ranchers 109,984 police officers and sheriff's deputies 39,477 firefighters 17,221 barbers 24,450,000... women (the gender of roughly half of all children aborted).These numbers of course are only the tip of the iceberg. Keep in mind that we get our statistics about abortion from the abortion industry itself which has a vested interest in under-reporting the numbers. Likewise, these categories are only a few of the professions that Americans actually work in and are by no means a full portrayal of the total American workforce. What they represent, however, is the immense human toll that abortion takes on a society. Abortion-promoters present abortion as an exclusively private choice, but thirty-five years of abortion exposes the perniciousness of that lie. There is a social toll that comes from abortion which cannot easily be corrected. For three and a half decades the feminists have reveled in a misleading "freedom to choose," and on the basis of that false "right" have eliminated their children and done immense damage to the family as the basic unit of society. Those who respect these sacred realities, on the other hand, have their wives and husbands to grow old with, their children to enjoy and their grandkids to play with and spoil. The love of life, marriage and family never leaves its adherents penniless, lonely or abandoned, and every now and then God throws in a Heisman Trophy just to show the rest of us that it's all worth it.
I have been very pro-life, marched in rallies, carried signs, supported pro-life agencies, been to banquets, been to adoptions of new borns, been to baby showers of mothers that kept their children instead of having an abortion, worked on legislation, etc.
I am still shocked at how much attention a wounded or abused animal gets but yet we think it is ok to kill a baby. I would love to see a big group from the church go to the pro-life rally next month. We are a just one more church but look at all the just one more's being murdered. It is easier to sit in the pew than to walk the streets. I'll get off my soap box now. GAY
Its people like the above commentor who keep people like me out of church. You dont know what it feels like to go through with this. I am tormented every day. The guilt and shame is often times unbearable. I desire to seek Gods face in church, but the very people that are in the places of "solace"(a.k.a. church) are the same ones that harshly protested me doing what I did. Where was the love in those protestors? Maybe if one had gently talked to me and had a good plan for me, maybe I wouldn't have gone through with it. It was all about me being a murderer and I was going to hell for that. Not all people who go through with this are flaming liberals who proudly exercise their right as a woman. I know God has forgiven me, but if this church claims to be a whosoever church and then you have what appears to be one of those erratic protestors, I'll have to steer clear. It just hurts too bad.
Dear Anonymous,
Thanks for your comments. It shows the truth about all the horrors of abortion. The guilt, the shame, the remorse that some have. You will have to come to terms with your past and move on. You will have to forgive yourself as God has forgiven you. We all come to church with our sins. You evidently have never been to our church or you would know that we would love you unconditionally. Most of us that worship there are saved sinners. We all have sins in our past and in our present. Some worshippers still have not repented of their sins but we worship together. We continue to sin if we're breathing but church is the place where we can hear about God's grace,forgiveness and love. As it has been said, we hate the sin but love the sinner. We have people who have drug and alcohol problems, abuse issues, and yes some that have had abortions. My statement was to stir my fellow friends to get off their duff and do something. I was tired of hearing about people ging to jail for wounding an animal. If you knew me, you would know that I would have prayed with you, sat with you, cried with you. Their are many questions that I have when I get to heaven about unborn babies and mothers whose arms are empty that weep night and day for a baby that they cannot conceive. By your own statement, "if someone had gently talked to me", you would make a great spokesperson for pro-life. There are agencies in the Birmingham area that have speakers such as yourself, who know the mental toll having an abortion has had on them. These same agencies have trained counselors that deal with the post abortion trauma. I would be glad to help you, get you in touch with agencies that can help you, or pray and meet with you myself. Most people that have abortions are not flaming liberals, but middle class women who already have children and don't want anymore or teens who are too scared to talk to their parents. We also have a class that meets at 8:15 on Sunday morning called Overcomers. They help people who have had difficult past that they can't get over. They would love to have you join them. Please contact the church so that we can minister to you.
The first commentor is my mother, of whom I am very proud of- especially since I am alive! At a young age I attended those marches with her and as an impressionable young girl, I did not witness any erratic protesting from the group we were with. What I do remember is a lot of prayer and then just silence as we marched (I believe that was due to prayer, but I was young so I could be wrong). I was never told that the people we were protesting were bad, worthless, or unforgivable. In fact, I was reared to believe that God loves everyone from the aborter to the baby that dies (whosoever).
So, I am sorry that you stereotype all protestors but they are not all the same- I have seen the crazies and I would be turned off by them too.
I want you to know, that you are welcome anytime in our church, because we are a whosoever church. Every Sunday I have the privilege of worshipping with former and current drug addicts, alcoholics, adulterers, liars, aborters, thieves, and many others (myself included in these) and everyone is loved without judgement. But you know what is more important than that? It wouldn't matter if people knew my past- God already does and He is the one I am accountable to. He is the one I have to face at the judgement. He is the one who gives me courage to face the cruelty and crazies each day.
I hope you have the courage through Christ to attend a church somewhere. He paid the ultimate sacrifice for all our sins so the least, the very least, we can do for Him is come together in worship and be fed his Holy Word through one of His tools- a skilled teacher of the word. Now here's a shameless plug, Crosspoint has the most skilled teacher of the word, Ryan Whitley.
I'll be praying for you.
Dear Anonymous,
I am a member of the Overcomers class that Gay mentioned. We would be honored to have you come and be a part of our class. We are a "whosoever" class and would gladly welcome you, love you unconditinally and try our best to minister to you. I can't begin to imagine the pain you must feel but God knows and understands is ready and waiting to give you the forgiveness and peace you are searching for. My heart aches for you and I will be praying for you. Please call the church (205-655-0364) and ask for my telephone number. I would love to talk with you and encourage you. If you would like to come to our class, I will be glad to meet you and show you the way. Please give us a chance to minister to you. We love you in Christ!
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