Thursday, August 09, 2007

God is Perfect. Explain.

I am huge fan of Ravi Zacharias. For those of who do not know him, click here (

In a 2004 message on Creation and Post-Modernism, Zacharias shared with his audience a question presented on his doctoral examination. The first question, on a five-page questionnaire stated, “God is perfect. Explain.”

Zacharias commented to his wife that he was glad the professor allowed only enough space for a one paragraph answer. “That tiny space allowed me less room for doctrinal error,” he told her.

Zacharias’ answer was one sentence in length. He responded:

God is the only entity in existence, the reason for whose existence is in Himself; all other entities or quantities exist by virtue of something else and in that sense He alone is perfect, uncaused, infinite and an independent being in essence.

Before you give that statement only cursory attention, return and read it again.

Last night during WOW – Worship on Wednesday – at CrossPoint we studied Psalm 46, in particular Psalm 46:10, which reads, “Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in all the earth.”

During the message I presented two fundamental truths from the text:

Truth #1: God wants us to be still.

Truth #2: God wants us to know Him.

In discussing what it means to know God I said, “The biggest problem most of have with knowing God is that we do not know God.”

Do you know who God is? I am not talking about the God of your parents or the God of your own making. Neither am I talking about a white, middle class, Southern Baptist God who speaks English. Nor I am particularly referring to the God you learned about in Vacation Bible School or at summer camp. When I ask do you know who God is, I am talking about the God of the Bible, the God of the universe, the God who “alone is perfect, uncaused, infinite and an independent being in essence.”

Sometime today do what God wants all of us to do—be still (cease striving, cease hurrying) and know that He is God.

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