Monday, July 02, 2007

Constant vs. Consistent

posted by Mandi Logan, Ed.S., NBCT, guest writer for

Is there a difference in these words? Now let’s look at it as it applies to Christians and then answer. The Lord has put these words in my path recently and I am yet to fully understand why, but I hope through your comments I discover why this is so important. I am trying to understand if I live for Christ in a constant, consistent or constant and consistent manner. BTW: I want to do both.

From my research thus far, I understand constant to be something that does not change or vary, it is uniform, regular and continuing without pause or letup. I can already tell you I am falling short.

Then we have consistent, which means adhering to the same norms or principles, compatible, not self-contradictory, and holding firmly together. Again, falling short.

In terms of living a Christ centered life, which would mean that my walk would not change or vary, be regular without pause and would adhere to the same principles while holding firmly together. Short pause for a sidebar: thank you Lord for public humiliation to teach me a lesson! It would be easier for me to tell you what I am constant and consistent with than it would what I am not (that list would be MUCH longer). I am pretty constant and consistent with what I eat. I eat regularly, not varying much from what my palate desires by adhering to the same principles. My work ethic is pretty constant and consistent. My family interactions are constant and consistent. I’ll stop there as you can already see this is not earth shattering news. Who doesn’t do these things the same each day?

So what about the stuff that matters? Do I daily spend time with God? Do I daily use what I learn in that time to influence others? Given a new setting with boundaries that challenge my principles, do I hold firmly together or do I cave? The answer for me is sometimes yes but sadly sometimes no. Why is it so hard to remain constant and consistent? God is the ultimate constant and consistent! Thank goodness for that! What if he wavered in how He treated us due to the situation? What if we never knew when His principles would change? I shudder to think of how He feels when I consciously choose to not to be constant and consistent.
I would like to hear from you about this constant and consistent dialogue. What do you struggle with? Does this mean something different to you? I know God is going to use someone to teach me more about this so bring on the comments- I am really listening Lord!


Anonymous said...

Mandi 10,000 thank yous for the blog. I find that I am more constant and consistent with things that are necessary, but I am less constant and consistent with the things that matter. Does that make sense? Why is that, I wonder? Why is it that we do not devote ourselves more to the things that matter?

mandi said...

In my case and maybe in others, the things that matter sometimes do not offer immediate gratification. We are so accustomed to getting what we want in the moment that it is hard to see the worth in waiting for it. At least that is the case when I examine myself closely. I almost long for the Little House On the Prarie days when youhad no choice but to wait. That's all they knew. I totally know that I can change my attitude and adjust, but once again, it is a choice I make and the good Lord knows I need all of His help in this category!

Anonymous said...

Great blog Mandi!! I think the biggest struggle is that the world tells us to be constant and consistent a certain way and the WORD tells us to be constant and consistent in a very different manner. It's up to us to choose which path to take. We have to set our hearts and minds towards intentional Christian living, and the world will be against us at every step! When we choose His way with a sincere heart, we will stumble, but He will be there to help us back up and encourage us to continue trying. The world's way may seem easier, but in the long run it doesn't usually have any Kingdom value. It's amazing how my "necessary's" have changed as my walk with the Lord has grown. One last comment (sorry for the length!!) I have found that this is something we have to ask God for the strength the accomplish! It is not natural to us in our sin-nature, so I would encourage anyone to include it in their prayers for themselves. Ask God to give you the strength to be constant and consistent in the "stuff" that matters to Him! He has helped me in amazing ways to reorganize my "necessary's"!! Blessings to all!

mandi said...

I knew God would speak to me through this and He has. Thank you for you words. You summed it up in that it is not natural for us so we must pray for the strength and discernment to know what to do. Your words were timely! Thanks