Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Why Do You Tithe?

Did you see Greg Garrison’s Special Report: Church Inc., in the Sunday Edition of the Birmingham News? In series of related articles, Garrison tries to tackle the subject of stewardship in today’s church. I thought the report was an interesting read. Garrison made some good points. Perhaps his loudest point was that there are many Birmingham area churches contributing a large amount of money to the kingdom of God.

While reading the report did you happen to examine closely the photo on the front page?

The caption beneath the photo read,

“Associate Minister March Whitman III and choir members at Word of Life Christian Center read from the large screens and recite together their beliefs about tithing before taking up an offering.”

If you looked close enough you could the following words on the large screen of the worship center:

“As I tithe and give offerings I am believing the Lord for:

  • Jobs and better jobs
  • Raises and bonuses
  • Benefits
  • Sales and commissions
  • Favorable settlements
  • Estates and inheritances”

What do you think about that statement? Do you agree or do you disagree with their belief?

Let’s take the questioning a bit deeper. Instead of asking whether or not you agree with Word of Life’s philosophy, let’s ask “what is your belief about tithing?” Why do you tithe? Why do you give to the kingdom of God? Why do so many of you give above and beyond your tithe to the kingdom through the community faith known as CrossPoint?

The purpose of today’s blog is NOT to challenge Word of Life’s perspective about tithing. Let me repeat that sentence again with bold, italicised words so there will be no misunderstanding: The purpose of today’s blog is NOT to challenge the Word of Life perspective about tithing. Word of Life is an autonomous body of Christ, who can promote, teach and proclaim whatever message they desire. Their philosophy of ministry is not up for debate. Actually, the reason I highlight Word of Life’s viewpoint about tithing is that it caused me to critically ask myself why I tithe, why I give above and beyond my tithe, and why I challenge my children to follow my example.

After spending two days thinking and praying about why I tithe, I have settled on the following answer:
I tithe because the Lord commanded it.
I know that may sound archaic. It may even sound a bit Pharisaic. For some, my answer may not ring with enough entrepreneurial tone. Yet after thinking about it seriously I have settled on one singular and explicit reason for tithing—God commanded me to do so.
Another way to make the same point is to say, “I tithe no matter what the result of my tithe may be.” My economic status does not influence my desire to give. My parents taught me to give regardless what kind of money I make or do not make. And, I am trying to teach my children to do the same. Additionally, I tithe not expecting anything in return, because God has already made me rich by meeting all my needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Sure there have been times when I have given and God has returned that tithe to me many times over. There have also been times when I have given and it seems the windows of heaven were sealed shut. Whether or not God returns my tithe to me in blessings or bonuses or raises is not the motivation for my giving. I give because God commands that I give. I give because God gave to me first. I give as an expression of my gratitude for the many ways God meets all of my needs.

Here is a great question for you to respond to—why do you tithe?


Anonymous said...

We like you tithe because it is commanded. We don't give to get we give because it is an act of worship for us.

I also read the article with great interest since I am a church financial person in a large Atlanta church. They have people wanting to give my credit card and it makes my skin crawl to think about it. My argument with them has been the same as the article. I don't think the church should encourage people to go in debt which is what could happen with the credit card.

Of course, I love the part about churches operating on 50-75% of their budget and giving the rest through missions. I love that part. The last church we attended in Atlanta gave 25% of its undesignated funds to missions. They did great work and put a lot of larger churches to shame.

As for as the jobs, bonuses, etc, If we delight in the Lord he will give us the desires of our heart. DELIGHT IN THE LORD!!! Gay

Anonymous said...

Tithing has always been something that I've done. There are many things God commands that I fall short with, so I try to stay faithful with my tithe. While tithing is a sacrifice it is also a relatively simple thing to do. For me it's easier to write a check than to feel disobedient. It makes me feel closer to God. I can't say I've ever said, "I wish I hadn't tithed so much", but I have regretted other ways I've spent money.

I am somewhat surprised at reading the Word of Life's tithing beliefs. Granted I don't know anything about their church, but it just seems all wrong. The philosopy reads as being "all about me", contrary to a certain phrase from Rick Warren of "it's NOT about me". I can't say I've tithed thinking God will give me a better job, a bigger raise, etc. I do believe God will bless me and my family for our faithfulness - which He has - but I don't expect certain "benefits". Their statement is just odd to me and I honestly can't read it and find anything I've ever expected God to provide.

It also seems very limited in it's scope. God is bigger than a paycheck and financial gains. I feel that if I am financially faithful to God, that yes, He may bless me in financial ways, but I also feel He may bless me in other ways that may have no specific dollar value.

Thank you for posting this topic!


Anonymous said...

Not only is it commanded but what a service to be able to give back if only a small part of what you get. When tithes are given individually and then combined with others the effect is so much greater..Tithing has always been a blessing to me and a constant reminder that God takes care of my needs. I recieve funds, I give part of that back to God and then He can give to others..that's a great 'Circle of Life'!