Thursday, October 04, 2007

Wednesday Nights at CrossPoint

Several years ago, when CrossPoint was in its infancy, we did not offer any mid-week activities. We could not do so because we thought it would spread our staff and our congregation too thin. Actually, the first six months the campus was in operation we did not schedule any Wednesday events. It was not until the fall of that first year we opened for ministry in the middle of the week.

My, my how things have changed!

Here are just a few things you will see at CrossPoint on Wednesday nights:
  • First, you will have difficulty finding a choice parking spot. That’s right the parking lot is almost full on Wednesday nights! Someone said it looks like a school line when classes dismiss.
  • The campus is brimming with excitement as hundreds of parents, students and children gather for ministry.
  • The new dining hall is overflowing with people laughing, fellowshipping and conversing.
  • Children are meeting in their mission organizations during the fall, with plans of preparing for their spring musical in the winter.
  • Students are filling the worship center to capacity during Sublime. They are raising the roof with awesome praise and worship as well as great testimonies and preaching from God’s word.
  • Adults are participating in CrossPoint University in record numbers. CPU offers a wide variety of classes including Divorce Care, Heaven, Stories from the Bible, Don’t Waste Your Life, Prayer, Financial Fitness, Grief Care and so much more.
  • The choir, praise team and praise band are preparing for Sunday.
  • More importantly, the Spirit of God is present and working among us.

In summary, CrossPoint is ablaze with ministry and opportunity on Wednesday nights, with hundreds of people participating. Wednesday nights are quite a sight to see at CrossPoint.

If you are looking for a way to grow in your faith, to become more like Christ, to be a truly devoted follower of Jesus Christ, then I suggest you put Wednesday nights at CrossPoint on your schedule. When you do your week will be rightly divided between two highlights—Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings at CrossPoint. I invite you to join in on the excitement.
For those who already participate, I am curious to hear your thoughts about Wednesday nights at CrossPoint.


Anonymous said...

I have been pleasantly surprised at the amount of adults who are in the 6:30 Student worship. Some of these are parents who do not normally attended on Wednesday nights (and some that dont attend Sunday mornings either for that matter). It is the parents following the students to church. That's not normal!! Once you drink from the river of living water, nothing else will satisfy. What an amazing God we serve! I am humbled to be His servant and stand in awe of what He's doing!! Soli Deo Gloria!!

Anonymous said...

God is doing wonderful things on Wednesday nights at Crosspoint. Crosspoint U. has been a wonderful thing to help me grow spiritually. The youth mission classes are great and Sublime is just over the top. I was able to go in last night and observe the last 25 minutes while I waited on my oldest child. It was amazing to sit back and watch God change the lives of so many of our middle school and high school students. Glory be to God for what he is doing at Crosspoint.

Les said...

I too; like Vaughn think that there are more than a few adults that are affected by Sublime. Every week I see that there are longer lines at dinner there are more young adults waiting for 7:00 to get here so they can worship God with their buddies. There are also more parents in their cars waiting on their teenager to come out than I have ever seen at any church on a Wednesday night. I tell everyone that I invite to visit our church not to be afraid to experience God, because if they come they WILL experience God.
Wednesday is a crucial part of our week because there is the fellowship at dinner but there is also the accountability that comes from you peers and the leaders of the bible studies on Wednesday night or your Sunday school class that keep us on the right track.
On Wednesday nights there is a relaxed atmosphere that allows you get to know the staff along with a lot of other people that you would not normally meet and get to know only going to your bible study on Sunday morning.
For me Wednesday night is just an extension of the time we all spend at the coffee bar after Sunday morning worship. It gives us all the time we need to catch up with one another it also gives Crosspointer’s the time to they want or need speak to the preacher and other staff members instead of taking up the visitors’ time with them on Sunday. Thanks for putting the time in to make it worth coming.

mandi said...

I liken Wednesday night to what you said in your message Sunday- it is not something I can just take off and do without. It is in me and I want to model consistency for my children. I am so proud of our youth ministry and the model they set for our young children. My little ones are in awe of the "big kids" and cling to their every word. I am so happy that one day they will be part of that "big kid" group. Until then, they have the privilege of being a part of the best preschool ministry around!
Another perk for my family on Wednesdays is the hot meal. Since I don't cook, I can count on this being the one decent meal they get during the week! Thank goodness for grandparents that also cook.