Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Project One

CrossPoint is currently in the middle of one its greatest, most influential campaigns to date. It is called PROJECT ONE. The underlying premise of PROJECT ONE is built on each Bible Study Small Group at CrossPoint participating in one MISSION, one FELLOWSHIP, and one COMMITMENT between now and November 18. The campaign concludes with ONE BIG WORSHIP on Sunday, November 18 in the brand new recreation facility.

Steve Parr, our Executive Pastor, Pat Patterson, our Stewardship Team Leader and I have the profound privilege of visiting the PROJECT ONE FELLOWSHIP for each class. This past weekend we visited 7 class fellowships in two days. Wow, what a ride!

We have several more fellowships to attend, yet I can already see the impact PROJECT ONE is having on CrossPoint. I am particularly proud of the mission endeavors I hear each class is implementing. One class has adopted a single mom. Another class is using an ICU waiting room at one our area hospitals as their outreach post. One of our younger groups sponsored a meal for the families of Miracle League Ballpark. Every class is doing something unique. I am blown away by the effort, creativity and sacrifice each group is making.

For those of you who have already had your PROJECT ONE FELLOWSHIP, you know what God is doing. For those who have not yet experienced it, prepare yourself. God wants to work in us and through us for His glory.

I am really curious as to what PROJECT ONE means to you. Please give me your feedback by leaving a response.

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