Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Faster World

This morning a Sprint radio commercial wanted to sell me a new phone plan. The advertiser asked, “Would you like to make your world a little bit faster.”

How does that sales pitch strike you?

When I heard the by-line I chuckled, out loud. “Faster world,” I responded, “I don’t need a faster world.”

(For those of you who do not know, I often talk back to my television and/or radio. And there is no need to tell me the people on the radio or television airwaves do not hear me. My family tells me that weekly. Responding verbally is a cathartic release for me. Now back to my blog.)

“I don’t need a faster world,” I thought out loud.

It was at that moment I turned off the radio and decided to return to my fast from the media. I only broke the fast this morning to hear if Barry Bonds broke Hank Aaron’s homerun record. (That is different blog for another day).

After powering off my radio I started thinking if I don’t need a faster world, then what is it I really need.

Here are a few things I think I need instead of more speed in my life.

I need more CONSISTENCY.

I work on my consistency every day. Even though I never want to get in a rut, a consistent routine is good for me. I begin and end my days the same way. When I do that, what I live in between the beginning and the end is more consistent. I have found beginning my day with God and ending my day with God helps me live my day for the Lord.

I need more FAITH.

The one sentence about faith in the Bible I most identify with is the one the father of the demon-possessed boy made when he said to Jesus, “I do believe; help my unbelief.”

When I say I need more faith, it is not that I do not already have faith. Sure, I believe. I just need more faith for the things that nag at me most.

I need to be more LOVING.

I like to think I am a loving individual. I trust my wife and kids know that I love them. I hope my family of faith knows that I love them. Yet sometimes, I do not act in a very loving way. I need to be more loving toward others.

I need more TIME.

Time is my greatest commodity. If I can find an extra hour here and a few minutes later in my day, I can get many more things accomplished. I have found by watching less television, I have more time. I crave more time. More time, I have noticed, helps me have more consistency, more faith, and to be more loving.

I would be curious to hear what you need MORE of. Let me know.


Anonymous said...

you may not need a faster world, but could you get a faster pace for Friday's run?

Anonymous said...

I thought I banned you from this webpage, from CrossPoint's campus and from ever preaching again to my people! I must check with Vaughn to see why he let your comment through.

As for picking up my pace on Friday's run, I trust you have learned that the purpose of running is for getting in shape, not for sightseeing.