Thursday, July 05, 2007

So What Did You Do?

posted by Mandi Logan, Ed.S., NBCT, guest writer for
Since I am writing this on Independence Day, I decided to make it pretty low key. We enjoyed the day swimming with the kids, visiting friends, and eating like crazy! I would like to know what you did and what today means to you. I am so thankful for all the men and women who have fought and are fighting for our freedom. I do not have anyone directly connected to the war, but I know we have Crosspointers who are away for the cause. Let’s continue to pray for our soldiers every week and remember their families too. So let’s hear it- what did you do and why?


mrscaldwell0 said...

We have been in Mississippi with my husband's family for almost two weeks. I love family, but it makes me appreciate home. I miss my cruddy rental house and my messiness. I miss my church (we have missed lots since the new addition). Also on this day I visited my mom in the nursing home. I miss my dad. Holidays are a time for celebration with loved ones, thankfulness for blessings, and reflections on loss and love. God bless America and our families!

Anonymous said...

I spent Independence Day in Richmond, IN at my sister's house. We watched the fireworks from her backyard pool. The city of Richmond put their fireworks show on July 3. It was a dud. My sister kept telling us how good it was in times past. Of course, we chided her to no end. The neighbors put on a show on July 4. The neighbors' show was over the top. Get this--each morning it was 65 degrees with 0% humidity. I ran each day until my feet and legs could not stand it. I logged several miles each morning and then hit the pool. What a way to relax. Better yet, what a way to live. I called my sister tonight to check on her, and yes, they were out by the pool enjoying the evening.

Thanks for blogging, Mandi. You did a great job.