About My Wife
posted by Vaughn Harris, webmaster for justonemore.info and member of CrossPoint Church in Argo, AL

I wanted to take a moment to profess my love for my wife to everyone who reads this blog. As I hear all too often of men walking out on their wife and family, I want my wife to know that I am more in love with her today than I ever have been. I am fully and most affectionately committed to our friendship, relationship, and marriage until death separates us. I will be drastic as necessary so I never put myself into a situation where my fidelity, loyalty, and faithfulness to her could ever be questioned or compromised. I want my relationship with my wife to be a firm example to my boys of how Christ loves the church and how to treat a woman. I am committed to displaying such a Godly example to them that they won't settle for just any girl, but a Godly woman that is radically in love with Jesus. I want my wife's life to be the example of the type of woman that my boys will desire in a mate. I am committed to being the spiritual leader in my home. Never will my wife be put in the situation where she is "dragging" me to church. I want my wife to know that I am committed to her happiness and well-being. Although we now have roles as parents, I am committed to not forgetting our role as husband and wife. I don't want our last child to move out of the house then look at my wife and say, "Who are you?" I am committed to continuing to pursue her as I did when dating her. I am committed to dating her through our marriage. (Guys, your wife will love it if you call her and ask her out on a date just like when you were pursuing her before you got married. They dig that!!!) I have bought into the philosophy that spending money on babysitters now is cheaper than spending money on divorce attorneys later.
So, Ambre, I love you with all my heart and I'm looking forward to growing old with you. I want the only thing that can separate us to be death. And even when it tries, it will have a fight on its hands!”
I just wanted to brag a little bit on my wife and how much I appreciate her and what she is doing for our family. She is a true blessing that I am honored to spend my life with her. By the way, if God ever tells you to donate your vacation cottage for weekend getaway for a young couple, please email me. :-)
That is one of the sweetest dialoges I have ever read. Your wife is one blessed woman and she better hang on to you. I have been blessed to have my husband for 36 years now and he dutifully made sure that I didn't work outside the home either as our children were growing up. I don't regret it either. I just wish that more men were the way you described. But sadly, I have seen many so-called "religous" leaders fall because they looked around.
But, rest assured, God will bless you for your commitment and your faithfulness to your marriage and to Him.
God Bless You,
Larry and I have been married for 37 wonderful years. We still flirt with each other and he has called and asked me for a date. I too stayed at home until the last child was a junior in high school. Larry's job required travel so it was important that one of us be at home. It is not possible for all families to do that now. Larry always made sure that our children knew that he loved me and I did the same. In the same respect, we have and are treating our elderly parents with the same love and care that we would want our children to have for us. They learn by example and you are doing them a great service. Congrats on #3 also. The Lord will truly bless you for your stand for Him and your love for your family. Gay
Vaughn you are killing me. I know you love your wife, and to use my blog page to do so is so syrupy! You are killing me. You do know that I now must write about Vonda...or, haven't I already done that?
You know I love and your family, I think it is great you would blog about Ambre. you are both good for each other.
I am proud of you. Thank you for writing in my absence.
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