Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Him I Know Not! Who Comes?

I still cannot figure it out. It is okay if I never figure it out, but I still cannot figure out why every time I drive onto the CrossPoint campus I am humbled by what I see going up.

Once again, it is paramount for me to remind all CrossPointers the more we see going up for God, the more we should be going down before God. We cannot bow down enough before the Holy, Infinite God. He alone is God. There is only One God, and there is only one way to approach Him, and that is in brokenness, humility and contrition.

Sunday was another humbling day for our family of faith, wasn’t it?

Wow, what about the music? That was incredible. My heart was stirred more and more as each service progressed. I awoke Monday morning already anticipating our Good Friday service.

Do you remember what caused Christ to come to this earth and die for our sins? It was God’s love (Romans 5:4-11) and it was God’s justice (Romans 3:21-27) that caused Christ to die for our sins.

In review, it was an incredible day!
This morning I had no alternative. The events of the day compelled me to humble myself before our Mighty God. While praying, studying and reading this morning I remembered a story I read a few weeks ago. It is found in John and Barbara Brokhoff’s book, There's Always Hope.

It is a paradox that the best people consider themselves the worst sinners. The greatest leader of Israel, Moses, was told by God at the burning bush to remove his sandals for he was on holy ground. His sandals represented his sinfulness. The great prophet, Isaiah, confessed, "I am a man of unclean lips." The great Christian, Paul, confessed that he was "chief of sinners."

In 814 AD, when the funeral procession of King Charlemagne came to the cathedral, they were shocked to find the gate barred by the bishop.

"Who comes?" shouted the bishop.

The heralds answered, "Charlemagne, Lord and King of the Holy Roman Empire!"

Answering for God, the bishop replied, "Him I know not! Who comes?"

The heralds, a bit shaken, answered, "Charles the Great, a good and honest man of the earth!"

Again the bishop answered, "Him I know not. Who comes?"

Now completely crushed, the heralds say, "Charles, a lowly sinner, who begs the gift of Christ."

"Him I know," the bishop replied. "Enter!"

It is only when in humility we see ourselves as nothing that God can create something out of nothing. When we stop and think that God in Christ loves us by coming to earth to justify and redeem us, we are overwhelmed with gratitude.

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