Monday, January 29, 2007

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

The first journal entry of my morning included the following:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Poor in spirit escribes my true condition before God. I am spiritually bankrupt without Christ. That means I am nothing, I have nothing and I can do nothing apart from the grace of God through Jesus Christ.”

I implore you to keep Matthew 5:3 on the tip of your tongue, the front of your brain and at the core of your heart this week. I want the CrossPoint family of faith to embody all eight of the core traits Jesus preached about in the preamble to his message we call “The Sermon on the Mount.”
Next week we will add Matthew 5:4—blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted—to our list. Until then, let’s keep working on the “poor in spirit” part of our disposition as disciples.

And how do we develop a spirit of poverty? Martin Lloyd-Jones says, “To develop a spirit of poverty look at God.” That’s good instruction. The more we exalt God in our lives, the less we will think of ourselves. Remember, he must increase, so that we will decrease.

While reading through the Bible this week look for ways God is exalted. When you find those examples, use them in your personal communication time with Him.

Just for Fun!

I believe the coldest place in Birmingham is the Sam’s parking lot overlooking Trussville. Every time I fill my Expedition with gas at Sam’s I nearly freeze to death.Can anyone think of a colder place in our city? Let me know if you agree or disagree. If you disagree, then tell me of a place that you think is colder.


Anonymous said...

i couldn't agree more. I froze my fingers yesterday up there, and I even pulled into a bay where the sun was shining!!


Anonymous said...

Sunday as I drove away from our worship service I said to Shelly that I thought that it was ironic that at the beginning of the year when we were challenged to find our ONE THING, I chose to focus my energy for my one thing on living the example that God want me to. Then you start the series on the beatitudes. Basically laying the foundation of how I can reach that goal. WOW thanks for being you

Les Smith