Monday, September 18, 2006

Giving To Sacrificially

Three years ago one of my special nieces (they are all special, by the way) asked me to support her as a staff member with Campus Crusade with Christ. Manda would serve on school year as a campus missionary on two college campuses in central Ohio. Manda did not realize it, but my family’s income was already stretched to the limit with our sacrificial giving to CrossPoint. However, after praying about it, we were convinced we were supposed to support Manda even if it meant more sacrifice on our part.

As a result of supporting Manda, another opportunity came our way. I remember the night very well. It was in the summer of 2004. On the other end of the phone line was the voice of a college student who said, “Uncle Ryan, you may not remember me by my name is Ryan Johnson and I Manda’s friend from Indiana. The purpose for my call is to see if you would support me financially while I serve with Campus Crusade in Spain next year.” You have to give the young man credit, he had me in his back pocket when he called me “Uncle Ryan” and reminded me of his connection with Manda. Of course I told Ryan my family would support him. Besides, we supported Manda for a year. Now that her service with Campus Crusade was ending, I could deposit that same amount of support over to Ryan’s account.

I offered to support Ryan from August of 2004 through August of 2005. As my year-long commitment was coming to a close, we were pleasantly surprised to learn that Ryan would be returning to Spain for another twelve-month stint. Again, he called and again, Vonda and I said we would support him.

By now I am headstrong into my commitment to Campus Crusade for Christ. I have always believed in Campus Crusade for Christ. But my gifts for Manda, and then for Ryan made my commitment that much stronger.

As if supporting Ryan were not enough, God decided to bless us more toward the end of 2005. Late that year I ate lunch with an old friend from Mississippi. His beautiful daughter, Joy, joined us for the lunch, and during the meal she disclosed her need for support to serve as a Campus Crusade for Christ missionary on the campus of Mississippi State University.

What was I to do? My family was already supporting one missionary in Spain. Now we had another one saying she needed our support in Mississippi. It did not take much prayer. I knew what we were supposed to do. We were challenged to support this missionary as well. So, I started sending Campus Crusade more money so we could have the honor of supporting two students on mission for Christ.

The Campus Crusade for Christ story is a great one. I have the joy of being a small part in that visionary plan by supporting three students. Manda’s request set our commitment to Campus Crusade into motion. Ryan’s service in Spain has concluded. Joy’s commitment at Mississippi State may be expanded to Italy in 2007. So, my family will now give Joy the full amount of our support through August 2007. Hopefully, by then the Lord will send us another missionary we can support.

My family gives sacrificially to CrossPoint and her ministries. Our tithe goes to the budget. We also give another tithe to our JUST ONE MORE capital campaign. Additionally we give an offering each week to our World Missions Offering. Some might say that is enough. But my family has discovered there is a greater reward when you give beyond what you think you are able to give and share your income with some deserving students like Manda, Ryan and Joy. My family is committed to supporting Joy through August, 2007. The years of giving to this ministry have been so rewarding that I pray we meet another missionary before Joy leaves the mission field.

Provided below is a copy of the last letter Ryan sent me this week thanking my family for our support. I believe when you read the letter you will see why we give sacrificially to missions.

Hasta luego from Madrid, Spain!
And hello from St. Louis, Missouri! One chapter of my life has come to an end, and the next chapter is just beginning. On August 31st, at 8 am, I will officially start classes at Covenant Theological Seminary. I plan to complete a Master of Divinity over the next four years, and then probably either return to Spain, or go to some other country in need of the Christian message, this time with the goal of planting churches. But I am excited for four years of theological education, life experience, and relationship with God to refine or confirm that initial goal.
Even as I begin this next stage, I want to thank each and every one of you one last time for your faithful support – financial, in prayer, and in friendly concern. Two years of college ministry in Spain, along with thousands and thousands of Spanish students hearing about the offer of relationship with God, would quite literally not have been possible without you. So I give you my sincere thanks. These two years have also been instrumental in my life as a chance to grow closer to God and to “test the waters” of overseas mission work. I love it, it seems to be a wonderful fit for me, and I would like overseas missions to be my life work. But may the Lord’s will be done. I mean that.
It would be fitting, wouldn’t it, to close with one last 30-second Power Prayer? Thanks again, really, and may God bless you all!


Ryan Johnson

Lord God, we pray that many college students in Madrid would come to really know You, as well as many more people the world over, for the first time, or in a deeper way. In the name of Jesus, and for His glory, AMEN!

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