Monday, August 07, 2006

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

I started a new message series yesterday entitled, I Praise. The six-week series will focus on worship—where, when, how, what and why we worship. While studying last week, I found this illustration about worship that I think is so fitting.

About 15 years ago, Orel Hershiser was pitching for the Los Angeles Dodgers. They had just won the World Series, and Orel had been named the Most Valuable Player.

One of the TV shows about the series showed him in the dugout just before the 9th inning started. He was leaning against the wall. And his lips were moving.
So when he was a guest on the Tonight Show, Johnny Carson asked him what he had been saying. "I wasn’t saying anything," Orel responded. "Well, then, tell us what you were doing." Finally Orel replied, "I was singing." Johnny said, "You were singing? I didn’t know you were a singer. Come on, let’s here it!" And Orel said, "Nah. I don’t want to." And the audience clapped and said, "Yeah! Let’s hear it! Wooooh!!!!"

Finally, Orel Hershiser started to sing:
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise him above Ye heavenly host.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Amen!"

And Johnny Carson was speechless. The whole audience was dead silent. Then one person stood up and started clapping. And soon, the whole audience joined in applause.
This was Orel’s way of saying, "Lord, the only reason I’m a Most Valuable Player is because you’re a Most Valuable God. You’re the one who gave me my ability. You’re the reason why my life has been so blessed. And I respect you. And I love you."
Orel Hershiser is a person who truly appreciates God.

What about you? Do you fully appreciate God—who He is and what He has done for you?


Anonymous said...

It was a great service yesterday. We had about 10 visitors yesterday. 7 were from Mobile and 3 go to a Baptist church that has a high worship service. They couldn't believe that could wear jeans and flip flops to our church. They had brought other clothes but I told them they would be ok in their jeans. Their church doesn't have our music style so that was a little different. The one thing that stood out to them was that you sat some during the sermon. They enjoyed that. You weren't towering over them. The ones that went to the other Baptist church in Mobile were very comfortable and loved Bryan too. It is great that worship is private and corporate as well. The way we worship varies from person to person and church to church but the center of our worship is the same. PRAISE HIM! Gay Jones

Anonymous said...

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!!

That was a great GOD moment!